Kawthoolei Font Converter

Online Text to Text Converter

User Guides

The Kawthoolei Font Converter allows users to convert text from KNU Font, NewKaren Font, Saw Ka Nyaw Font, and Saw cfcr000 Font to Kawthoolei Font. This tool is useful for ensuring text compatibility and readability across different platforms and applications.

How to Use the Converter

  1. Select the Source Font:

    • Use the dropdown menu to select the source font from which you want to convert text. Options include KNU Font, NewKaren Font, Saw Ka Nyaw Font, and Saw cfcr000 Font.
  2. Enter the Text:

    • In the text editor labeled "Source Text", enter or paste the text you wish to convert. The text will be automatically sanitized to prevent any security issues.
  3. Adjust Text Size:

    • Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons located next to the text editor labels to adjust the font size for better readability.
  4. View Converted Text:

    • The converted text will be displayed in the "Karen Unicode Output" text editor. You can also edit this text directly if needed.
  5. Clear Text:

    • Use the "Clear Text" button to clear both the input and output text fields.
  6. Copy Output:

    • Use the "Copy Output" button to copy the converted text to your clipboard. A toast message will confirm that the text has been successfully copied.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure you have selected the correct source font before entering your text.
  • Regularly update the converter tool to benefit from the latest features and security updates.
  • Use sanitized input to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Online File to File Converter

KNU Font to Unicode Font Converter


User Guides

Welcome to the KNU Font to Unicode Font Converter user guide. This tool allows you to convert text from KNU font to Unicode in both Excel and Word files. Below, you'll find instructions on how to use the tool effectively.


  • Convert Excel (.xlsx) files from KNU font to Unicode.
  • Convert Word (.docx) files from KNU font to Unicode.
  • Progress bar indicating conversion progress.
  • Notifications on success or error using toast messages.
  • Clear selected files and reset input easily.

How to Use

  1. Select File Type:

    • Choose between Excel or Word by selecting the corresponding radio button.
  2. Upload a File:

    • Click on the file input to upload an .xlsx or .docx file depending on your selection.
    • The selected file name will be displayed next to the input field.
    • If the file size exceeds 5MB, an error toast notification will appear.
  3. Convert and Download:

    • Click the Convert and Download button.
    • A progress bar will show the conversion progress.
    • Upon successful conversion, the file will be automatically downloaded, and a success toast notification will be displayed.
  4. Clear Selection:

    • If you want to clear the selected file, click the clear (X) icon next to the file name.
    • This will reset the input and allow you to select a different file.

Offline Converter

In addition to the online converter, we also provide an offline converter for Windows. This tool allows you to convert entire files from KNU Font, NewKaren Font, Saw Ka Nyaw Font, and Saw cfcr000 Font to Kawthoolei Font without needing an internet connection.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the Offline Converter: Click the download button above to download the offline converter.

  2. Run the Installer:

    • Locate the downloaded file and double-click to run the installer.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

2. Run the Installer:

  • Locate the downloaded file and double-click to run the installer.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


Installation Instructions

This image shows the security warning dialog that appears when you first run the installer. Double-click the downloaded KawthooleiUnicodeConverterSetup file and click "Run" to proceed with the installation.


Installation Instructions

Welcome screen of the Kawthoolei Unicode Converter setup wizard. Click "Next" to continue.


Installation Instructions

Select the destination folder where you want to install the converter. Click "Next" to proceed.


Installation Instructions

Choose additional tasks such as creating shortcuts in the Start Menu and on the Desktop. Click "Next" to continue.


Installation Instructions

Review your settings and click "Install" to begin the installation process.


Installation Instructions

The installation is complete. Click "Finish" to exit the setup wizard. Optionally, you can choose to launch the Kawthoolei Unicode Converter immediately.

Usage Instructions

1. Open the Application:

  • After installation, open the Kawthoolei Font Converter from your Start menu or desktop shortcut.
Installation Instructions

2. Choose the Source Font:

  • Select the source font from the menu tabs.
Installation Instructions
  1. Select the source folder:

    • Click on the "Select source folder" button and choose the file you want to convert files in your folder.
  2. Select the target folder:

    • Click on the "Select target folder" button and choose the file you want to save converted files into your folder.
  3. Convert the File:

    • Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process.
    • The converted file will be saved to your specified location.

By using the offline converter, you can ensure that your files are converted securely and efficiently, even when you do not have access to the internet.

Privacy Note